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Winter home of the Snow Geese and one of Canada's top birdwatching sites.
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Current Volunteer Postings

Last updated December 17, 2024

If you are interested in volunteering with any of the programs below, please email us at bcws@reifelbirdsanctuary.com

Citizen Science

"Bi-weekly Bird Surveys" - Since 2012, we have been conducting regular surveys of the Sanctuary every other Saturday morning. Although we have had lots of volunteers some years, many move on to other tasks, so there are always opportunities to sign up. We give preference to university and college students but welcome all. You shopuld know your way around the Sanctuary before applying, but this is a good way to hone your birding skills. Everyone that joins tends to be subjected to an "peer review" of identification skills before being given an area to do by themself, so that the survey results remain creditable.

"Spying on Nestboxes" - We have 250 songbird nestboxes and you can help us to understand who is using them by signing up as a citizen science nest monitor with us by observing nestboxes in a defined section on a regular basis.

"Event-related Bird Counts" - Events like the Christmas Bird Count always need support and people who help. These counts are always a good opportunity for less experienced people to be linked up with experienced birders and learn more.

Trail-side Hosts

"Trail hosts" - We have found it very helpful to have a small team of weekend volunteers that know the sanctuary to supplement our staff on site at all seasons. In the fall, the draw of Snow goose viewing brings excited people, in winter, people want o get too close to owls (or walk right by them), in spring, they might miss some interesting courtship behavior, and summer visitors do not seem to know nest sites are "sacred", that some birds are flightless and the birds own the flowers and berries. The goal is to make sure the visitors are doing okay and to inform them of interesting birds or to remind them of the rules. This can be both very challenging and very rewarding. Enquire at the Gift Shop and leave your contact information.

"Bird guardians" - these volunteers would be tasked with ensuring the safety and wellbeing of specific birds. In 2024 we had "Crane Wardens" or "Crane Guardians" who kept our crane family safe until the chicks were able to fly.

Museum Docent (none needed at this time)

We sometimes need a person willing to open the museum to the public for a few hours on weekends, answer visitor questions, but mainly just to be present so that the room is supervised. This position is ideal for someone who knows about the Sanctuary (preferably a long-term member) and is willing to spend a few hours a week indoors instead of out on the trails.

Short-term Work Parties

We often use volunteers for trail maintenance and for habitat work, but there is not usually a set schedule and this kind of activity is usually more likely in late summer and early fall, and reduced in winter to avoid disturbing the birds. Usually, you can count on getting muddy, dirty or sweaty. We tackle these sorts of projects every year.

"Tractor, Trailer, Shovel and Rake", also known as adding a little more trail surface gravel to tidy up muddy spots and give people a little more traction in some slippery or uneven areas.

"Rock Rehab", also know as relocating all the rip-rap people have thrown into the pond, adding some more for shoreline protection, and tidying up any large shoreline rock features.

"Snips, Shears and Saws", yes, pruning along our trails, not in a really invasive manner, especially in summer, but if we don't do it, there are no trails. In fall, we untangle and prune back new sapling growth.

"Marsh Mudwork" - When needed, we assemble some people willing to cut back some of the cattail near the tower to open up the view and keep the channel flowing. People without gumboots or afraid of getting dirty need not apply. If you are game, though, it is oddly satisfying to cut these large robust plants and to become one with the mud.

"Tending the Native Plant Gardens"- There are several areas where we have replaced patches of Blackberry with a broader spectrum of native plants typical of coastal habitats. These areas need tending to discourage the regrowth of blackberry and (sometimes) protect small shrubs from beaver damage. If you like to garden and are interested in this, there is potential for just regularly checking on things or being part of a work party.



We ask volunteers to complete a volunteer application form for our files at the time that you start working as a volunteer. The form is under revision right now, but will be available at the Gift Shop.


Ever wonder how we keep miraculously producing new supplies of brown seed bag treats, even after a hectic weekend when hundreds of bags of grain have gone down the gullets of the ducks?

Eric and Eileen are just two of our seed-bagging volunteers, but they are voted most likely to take on the challenge of getting us all up to date and filling all the "empties" just in one morning.

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